
A collection of readings, series and notes exploring the sensory and personal rituals of bathing. Explore how time with self can be a restorative experience for mind and body.

BAINA Bathe Volume 24. Ellie Bouhadana

BAINA Bathe Volume 24. Ellie Bouhadana

As Ellie releases her inaugural cookbook, we connect for Volume 25 of BAINA Bathe, where she shares her personal bathing rituals, weekly ocean visits, and her post kitchen shift routine to unwind.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 23. Elora Joshi

BAINA Bathe Volume 23. Elora Joshi

In this volume of BAINA Bathe, Elora shares how she finds solace in the bath with a playlist, and shares the significance of this ritual in resetting her mind and body.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 22. Leanne Xiu Williams

BAINA Bathe Volume 22. Leanne Xiu Williams

Based on Gadigal land in Sydney, Leanne Xiu Williams shares her perspective on how bathing creates a space for reconnection and reflection. She discusses how it serves as a means of unwinding from the hustle of everyday life, and the rejuvenating sensation of immersing oneself in the ocean.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 21. Kaitlyn Coffee

BAINA Bathe Volume 21. Kaitlyn Coffee

In this edition of BAINA Bathe, Kaitlyn intimately shares her personal journey of incorporating bathing into her daily routine, her affinity for unique beauty tools, and the profound joy she finds in the simple act of immersing herself in water.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 20. Neridah Twist

BAINA Bathe Volume 20. Neridah Twist

In this volume of BAINA Bathe, Neridah shares how she find solace in slowing down, mindful breathing, connecting with family, and how she escapes the city life to seek grounded moments by the ocean.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 19. Patrick Kelly

BAINA Bathe Volume 19. Patrick Kelly

In this volume of BAINA Bathe, Patrick shares his intimate bathing rituals, embracing a natural and intuitive approach that serves as a mindful sanctuary. For him, bathing is a cherished opportunity for self-reflection and rejuvenation.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 18. Emma Jarman

BAINA Bathe Volume 18. Emma Jarman

Nurtured by the ocean on Gadigal land, Emma Jarman incorporates sea into her daily bathing ritual. For her it represents a sense of comfort and familiarity whilst also serving as a space of creativity. In this instalment of BAINA Bathe, Emma unveils the intimate rituals that foster a stronger connection to self.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 17. Lola McDonnell

BAINA Bathe Volume 17. Lola McDonnell

This edition of BAINA Bathe intimately captures Lola at her upstate NY residence through the lens of her husband and photographer, Zackery Michael.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 16. Sophie Lou Jacobsen

BAINA Bathe Volume 16. Sophie Lou Jacobsen

In this volume of BAINA Bathe, Sophie shares her connection to lakes and the serenity they can bring, and how bathing is a space for intimate moments of self-reflection and solitude.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 15. Fran Miller

BAINA Bathe Volume 15. Fran Miller

In this volume of BAINA Bathe, Fran shares how bathing is a ritual that allows her to slow down and shares the natural ingredients she adds to her bathwater to create a restorative experience for the mind and body.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 14. Lee Mathews

BAINA Bathe Volume 14. Lee Mathews

Exploring the solitary rituals, and bathing routines of Australian Designer, Lee Mathews. This edition of BAINA Bathe Lee opens up about time with self, using The BAINA Towelling Set, curated exclusively for Lee Mathews.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 13. Ryan Lopes

BAINA Bathe Volume 13. Ryan Lopes

Exploring the solitary rituals, and bathing routines of Creative Director, stylist and content creator Ryan Lopes. In this edition of BAINA Bathe, Ryan opens up about his personal philosophy on bathing, and how he creates a serene environment to elevate his daily routine.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 12. Anna Fiedler

BAINA Bathe Volume 12. Anna Fiedler

Exploring the solitary rituals and bathing routines of Melbourne-based artist Anna Fiedler. In this edition of BAINA Bathe, Anna shares her newly found love of bathing and her routine to completely relax at the end of the day.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 11. Bonita Kye

BAINA Bathe Volume 11. Bonita Kye

Exploring the solitary rituals and bathing routines of LA-based Bonita Kye. Bonita take us through her seaside bathing routine as a source of clarity and a sensorial experience.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 10. Sam McIntyre

BAINA Bathe Volume 10. Sam McIntyre

In this volume of BAINA Bathe, we explore Sam McIntyre's daily bathing rituals. The Melbourne-based artist shares the healing quality of bathing, and where she feels most like herself.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 09. Anna Cordell

BAINA Bathe Volume 09. Anna Cordell

For the latest instalment of BAINA Bathe, we speak to Anna Cordell. Australian-born, LA-based creative and the face of BAINA's latest campaign about her bathing rituals.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 08. Jack Juliar

BAINA Bathe Volume 08. Jack Juliar

Jack is an LA-based photographer. Exploring his daily rituals for BAINA Bathe, we uncover how bathing is an act of cleansing that helps him start anew.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 07. Holly Burgess

BAINA Bathe Volume 07. Holly Burgess

Photographer and friend Holly Burgess invited us into her bathroom, in Auckland New Zealand, sharing with us how she sees bathing as a spiritual reconnection to her ancestry, the importance of a mood-matching soundtrack, and how the act of cleansing returns her to herself.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 06. Georgah Crane

BAINA Bathe Volume 06. Georgah Crane

Residing in Melbourne, Naarm country, the birth place of BAINA, Georgah Crane takes us through her personal connection to bathing in this Volume of BAINA Bathe.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 05. Neada Deters

BAINA Bathe Volume 05. Neada Deters

In light of our recent collaboration with LESSE, we sat down with our friend and business owner Neada Deters for Vol 05. of BAINA Bathe. Here, she shares her connection to bathing and daily practices captured behind her own lens.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 04. Rob Tennent

BAINA Bathe Volume 04. Rob Tennent

For BAINA Bathe Vol 04, our friend and Sydney-based (Gadigal land) artist shares his personal connection to bathing by the ocean captured through his own lens at Long Bay in New Zealand. Join us as we get a glimpse into his own exploration of self-reflection.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 03. Ophelia Mikkelson Jones

BAINA Bathe Volume 03. Ophelia Mikkelson Jones

We recently had the pleasure of chatting with our beautiful friend and New Zealand-based artist, Ophelia Mikkelson Jones. Hailing from Auckland New Zealand, Ophelia finds balance in doing what brings her joy, consisting of ocean swims, taking an outdoor bath and being a new mother.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 02. Francis Kamara

BAINA Bathe Volume 02. Francis Kamara

For our second issue of BAINA Bathe, we sit down with actor and model Francis Kamara to talk about his relationship with the ocean. Francis first came onto our radar after a recent editorial featured on 'This Is Nice', shot by photographer Peter Van Alphen.

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BAINA Bathe Volume 01. Neyon Roberts

BAINA Bathe Volume 01. Neyon Roberts

For our first issue of BAINA Bathe, we got the chance to sit down with US based artist Neyon Roberts. BAINA was initially drawn to Neyon for her raw and intimate feed, expressive of her feelings or mood, in movement and sound. Exposing her vulnerabilities through the eye of her camera.

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