How Steam Can Improve Your Health

SOAK is an explorative series into the art and science of bathing. Discovering how the act of soaking in water, can contribute to overall health and wellbeing.

Enveloping oneself in steam, whether through a warm bath or shower, offers a range of health benefits. Steam can enhance circulation by expanding blood vessels increasing blood flow, and improve heart health by elevating the heart rate. Additionally, the heat and humidity from steam can benefit your skin by opening pores and facilitating deep sweating, effectively cleansing trapped oil and dirt.

Steam's therapeutic effects extend to sinus relief. It can loosen phlegm and aid in congestion clearance. Plus, it can promote deep relaxation by reducing cortisol, the stress hormone, and release endorphins, contributing to an overall sense of happiness and relaxation. With its numerous advantages, incorporating steam into your daily routine is an accessible and rejuvenating ritual.

BAINA pescribes; Switch off from outside noise — Run a warm bath or shower — Let go of the day with a gentle sigh


110-115° Fahrenheit / 43-46° Celsius


Enclosed to withhold and trap steam, allow it to build and envelope you


A glass of cold, crisp water



SOAK — A simple way to improve your health.


First Image: Artwork by Claude Garache


Bathing Companions

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